Modus Operandi is a Brussels based association.
Their priority is to rethink the relationship with others and art by providing citizens with means of encounters and sharing.
Modus Operandi est une association Bruxelloise
Leur priorité est de repenser le rapport à l’autre et à l’art en offrant aux citoyens des moyens de rencontres et de partages.

Studio Sarah-Line designed the visual and editorial identity of this Franco-Belgian project, thanks to Victorine and Manon.
Studio Sarah-Line a conçu l’identité visuelle et rédactionnelle de ce projet franco belge, merci à Victorine et Manon.

Different creative options + final logo.
Différentes pistes créatives + logo final.

The mascot will be used for signage or to illustrate the document.
La mascotte servira pour la signalétique ou pour illustrer le dossier.
“Our aim is to provide a multidisciplinary space that promotes social diversity and conviviality to as many people as possible.”
“Notre volonté est d’offrir au plus grand nombre un espace pluridisciplinaire qui favorise la mixité sociale et la convivialité.”

Organizational chart outlining the different departments of the project.

Projected timeline showcasing the possible activities throughout the year within these different departments.